Note from the Editors
This collection of instructional design and research projects was produced by faculty fellows in the Office of Information Technology Faculty Fellowship Program (2012-2013) at the University of Minnesota. We set out with few disciplinary histories in common and few shared experiences in educational technologies. Stories from Faculty Fellows is the result of what we did share: a collaborative, supportive, and inspiring eighteen months in which we were deeply engaged in the challenges of teaching and technology.
Items in this collection are quintessential learning artifacts — expressions of learning designed to instruct by example. Produced by expert novices in learning technologies, these articles, digital stories, and multimedia texts celebrate technology not for its own sake but for its responsiveness to instructional catalysts in fields of anthropology, composition, rhetoric, mathematics, biomedical science, internal medicine, leadership, instructional design, horticultural science, journalism, chemistry, nursing, foreign languages and literature, cultural studies, electrical and computer engineering, veterinary diagnostics, and clinical laboratory sciences.
Expert novices? Rapid changes in educational technologies make novices of us all even as we practice and profess within our areas of expertise. Within a state of technological affairs unlikely to change any time soon, we hope this showcase fosters new connections and conversations about technology-rich learning environments and the learners who make them come alive.
— Abram Anders and Joe Moses, editors
Anders, A. & Moses, J. (eds.). (2014). Stories from Faculty Fellows: Adventures in Technology-Enhanced Learning. Cultivating Change Series. University of Minnesota.