Faculty Fellows
Assistant Professor, Faculty Fellow for Online and Technology-Enhanced Learning, Labovitz School of Business and Economics, University of Minnesota Duluth
Abram Anders studies rhetoric and composition with an emphasis in professional communication and technology-enhanced learning. His research interests also include business communication, collaborative writing, cultural studies, literary studies, networked learning, new media, open source, rhetoric, and theory. His research has appeared in Business Communication Quarterly, Configurations, Disability Studies Quarterly, and The KB Journal.
Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine, University of Minnesota
Mike Aylward is an internal medicine-pediatric physician and program director of the internal medicine-pediatric residency program at the University of Minnesota. He has an interest in systems of care, medical informatics, medical education, and quality improvement.
Professor, College of Education and Human Development, Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, University of Minnesota
C. Cryss Brunner, PhD, a Professor in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, conducts research on identity, power, school superintendents, technology, and leadership preparation appearing in journals including, but not limited to, American Educational Research Journal, Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Policy, Journal of Educational Administration, Journal of School Leadership, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, Policy Studies Journal, Urban Education, Computers and Human Behavior, and Teachers College Record, and in edited book chapters. In addition to sole-authoring one book and editing two books (one with Lars Bjork), she coauthored the book Women Leading School Systems: Uncommon Roads to Fulfillment (2007) with Margaret Grogan.
Senior Teaching Specialist, Postsecondary Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota
Currently in her tenth year of teaching humanities at the University of Minnesota, Linda Buturian received the Distinguished Teaching Award from the College of Education and Human Development in 2012, in part due to her innovative use of digital storytelling in her teaching. She was recently awarded funding to travel to Thailand with a colleague to create a digital book about the impact of conflicting uses of the Mekong River on the culture and daily lives of the villagers. Buturian has numerous publications including her essay collection, World Gone Beautiful: Life Along the Rum River (Cathedral Hill Press 2008).
Associate Professor, Cultural Studies Program, Sociology/Anthropology Department, University of Minnesota Duluth
Mitra Emad is associate professor and coordinator of a small Cultural Studies program at the Duluth campus of the University of Minnesota. She co-founded the program in 2000, integrating her own training as a cultural anthropologist with existing needs for civically engaged undergraduate curriculum. As an interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Emad teaches and writes about cultural constructions of the human body, especially in terms of how the body functions as a site for cultural translation. She has published on American acupuncture, the socialization of medical students, the body as a site for nationhood in comic books, and on cultural constructions of pain. With a strong interest in engaged pedagogies, her work in the classroom is deeply tied with her research interests. Dr. Emad is currently developing UMD’s Participatory Media Lab as co-founder of a faculty collaborative within the Center for Social Research. She is currently researching and writing about undergraduate students’ naturalized technology practices. You can find her blog, Quickening, at http://mitraclarablog.wordpress.com/.
Assistant Professor, Center for Learning Innovation, University of Minnesota Rochester
Aminul Huq, PhD, an Assistant Professor of mathematics in the University of Minnesota Rochester’s Center for Learning Innovation (CLI), conducts research on Combinatorics, and Mathematics Education. Dr. Huq has been leading the development of the statistics and mathematics courses in the Bachelor of Science in Health Science curriculum. He teaches mainly Introductory Statistics, Pre-Calculus and Calculus courses at CLI. Dr. Huq was recognized by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) as a Project NExT Fellow during the 2010-11 Fellowship year.
Lecturer, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, CLA; Senior Lecturer, University College and Master of Liberal Studies Program, CCE; University of Minnesota
David Husom teaches Web and media design. He has also taught conventional darkroom photography and created one of the first digital photography courses in the country. As a photographer his work has appeared in numerous publications and exhibits and is in the collections of a major museums including the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. In addition to his work in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, he is a Graduate Advisor in the Master of Liberal Studies program where he has taught classes on the implications of technology on life in the 21st Century.
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota
Madeleine Kerr is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota. Her innovation in nursing education derives from her expertise in health informatics and public health nursing.
Assistant Professor of French, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth
Dana Lindaman is finishing a book manuscript for Northwestern University Press on the development of French Republican Identity in nineteenth century France. He has been nominated for and awarded numerous teaching awards.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Writing Studies, University of Minnesota
Joe Moses is Assistant Director of Graduate Studies for the Certificate and MS Programs in Scientific and Technical Communication. His interests include personal learning, writing instruction, information design, technical and marketing communication, writing for digital media, and online writing networks.
Edgar F. Johnson Professor of Electronic Communications and Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota
Parhi teaches very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design and signal processing classes such as digital signal processing, signals and systems, probability and statistics, VLSI signal processing, digital signal processing structures for VLSI, and statistical signal processing. He is a recipient of the 2013 Graduate/Professional Teaching award from the University of Minnesota, and the 2004 Frederick Emmons Terman award from the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) in recognition of his textbook “VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems: Design and Implementation” (Wiley, 1999).
Professor, Veterinary Pathologist, Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota
Rob Porter, DVM, PhD is a veterinary pathologist and professor in the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Veterinary Population Medicine. Dr. Porter is boarded by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and American College of Poultry Veterinarians. He coordinates and teaches CVM 6299 Systemic Veterinary Pathology and courses in poultry medicine.
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth
Dr. Amy Prunuske is an assistant professor on the teaching track in the University of Minnesota Medical School. She has 10 publications related to her training as a basic research scientist working on questions associated with progression of colorectal cancer and the development of drug resistance. Her current research is focused on maximizing medical student learning. She has three main areas of focus including exploring how technology can be effectively incorporated, identifying persistent student misconceptions, and devising strategies to effectively remediate students. These questions are studied using a combination of both quantitative statistical analysis and qualitative analysis to understand the why behinds the numbers. She is a member of the American Society for Cell Biology Education Committee and an active participant in the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research and the International Association for Medical Science Educators.
Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural Science; College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota
Eric Watkins is an Associate Professor in the Horticultural Science department at the University of Minnesota. His research focuses on the development of low-input, winter-hardy turfgrass cultivars for use in the northern United States. Eric teaches several undergraduate courses, most of which relate to turfgrass management; most of these courses are taught in a blended and flipped-classroom format. He currently serves as major coordinator and advises over 20 undergraduate students. In his free time, Eric enjoys spending time with his wife and four young children, and attending University of Minnesota football games.
Assistant Professor, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Center for Allied Health Programs, University of Minnesota
Steve Wiesner is an assistant professor in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences program within the Center for Allied Health Programs at the University of Minnesota. His current research is focused on practical integration of digital instructional technology in science education. He teaches numerous courses including immunology, hematology, advanced hematology morphology and molecular diagnostics.
Associate Professor and Organic Chemistry Laboratory Director, Department of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota
Jane E. Wissinger received her BA from Susquehanna University, MS from Georgia Institute of Technology, and Ph.D. from Northwestern University. She then was employed for five years as a research scientist at Rohm & Haas Company in the Agricultural Exploratory Group where she coauthored several patents. She began her academic career in the Chemistry Department at the University of Minnesota as an adjunct instructor in 1992 and was hired full time in 1998 as an instructor and the organic laboratory director. Her many contributions to the teaching mission of the chemistry department have included the comprehensive revision of the organic laboratory course to include modern green chemistry principles and guided-inquiry pedagogy. She has advised a variety of undergraduate and graduate students whose research on developing new green experiments for the undergraduate laboratory has been shared with the green education community through presentations and publication in the Journal of Chemical Education. Wissinger, who was promoted to Associate Professor in 2011, is a member of the Center for Sustainable Polymers and active in their outreach and educational programs.